
Common Baking Problems Related to the Oven


Common Baking Problems Related to the Oven

The correct use of the oven is crucial in the baking process, as it directly affects the results. Below are some common baking problems (e.g., cookies becoming too hard, bread not rising) and possible causes and solutions related to the oven.

1. Cookies Too Hard


  • Overbaking: If the cookies are baked for too long, they will become hard, especially if the oven temperature is set too high.
  • Temperature Too High: Excessive oven temperature can cause the cookies to harden quickly on the outside while the inside remains undercooked, resulting in an overall hard texture.


  • Lower the Oven Temperature: The ideal temperature for baking cookies is between 160°C and 180°C (320°F to 356°F). Use an oven thermometer to ensure the actual temperature matches the set temperature.
  • Shorten Baking Time: Keep an eye on the color of the cookies as they bake. Once they turn a light golden color, remove them from the oven, as the residual heat will continue cooking them.
  • Rotate the Baking Tray: During baking, ovens may heat unevenly. Rotating the tray ensures even heat distribution and prevents one side from overcooking.

2. Bread Not Rising


  • Insufficient Oven Preheating: If the bread is placed into the oven before it has reached the proper temperature, the dough may not rise properly.
  • Temperature Too Low: The bread requires a high temperature to expand properly. If the oven temperature is too low, the gases in the dough won’t expand quickly enough, causing the bread to flatten.
  • Uneven Heating: Inconsistent heat in the oven can lead to uneven rising, with one part of the bread puffing up while the other remains flat.


  • Ensure Proper Preheating: Preheat the oven to at least 190°C to 220°C (374°F to 428°F) before placing the bread inside, ensuring that the dough rises quickly.
  • Use Steam: Create a steam environment in the oven, which helps the bread rise. You can place a pan of hot water at the bottom of the oven or spray some water on the oven walls when the bread is placed inside.
  • Check Oven Heat Distribution: If bread rises unevenly, try rotating the baking tray 180 degrees halfway through baking to ensure even heating.

3. Cake Collapsing in the Middle


  • Opening the Oven Door Too Early: Opening the oven door during the cake’s rising stage can cause heat to escape, leading to the cake collapsing.
  • Temperature Too High or Too Low: A too-high temperature can cause the cake’s surface to bake faster than the inside, leading to collapse. A too-low temperature may not provide enough heat for proper rising.


  • Avoid Opening the Oven Door Frequently: Especially during the first 30 minutes of baking, avoid opening the door to maintain a stable temperature inside.
  • Control the Oven Temperature: Keep the temperature stable between 160°C and 180°C (320°F to 356°F), adjusting based on your recipe and oven performance.

4. Bottom of Baked Goods Burning, Top Not Cooked


  • Uneven Heating in the Oven: Some ovens may have malfunctioning heating elements, causing the bottom to overheat and burn while the top remains undercooked.
  • Improper Tray Placement: Placing the tray too close to the heating elements at the bottom can cause uneven cooking.


  • Adjust Tray Position: Place the baking tray in the middle of the oven to avoid it being too close to the heating elements. You can also try using the convection function to ensure even heat distribution.
  • Check the Oven Heating Elements: If your oven’s heating elements are aging or malfunctioning, they can cause uneven heat. Regularly check and maintain your oven to ensure it works correctly.

5. Cracked Cake Top


  • Temperature Too High: If the oven temperature is too high, the cake’s surface will expand too quickly while the inside is still rising, causing cracks.
  • Tray Positioned Too High: Placing the cake too close to the oven’s top heating elements can cause it to heat too quickly, leading to cracks.


  • Lower the Temperature: Try baking at a slightly lower temperature and extending the baking time to allow the cake to bake more evenly.
  • Adjust Tray Position: Place the tray in the middle layer of the oven to avoid being too close to the top heating element.


The temperature, time, and heat distribution in the oven play a critical role in baking success. By understanding your oven’s characteristics and properly controlling the temperature and baking techniques, you can avoid common baking problems effectively.

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